AWS vs Salesforce Heroku - Which Cloud Hosting Service is Better for Enterprise Apps?

September 28, 2021

AWS vs Salesforce Heroku - Which Cloud Hosting Service is Better for Enterprise Apps?

As an app developer, choosing the right cloud hosting service can make or break your enterprise app. Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Salesforce Heroku are two of the most popular cloud hosting services available. However, which one is better for your needs?

In this article, our Flare Compare team has compared AWS and Salesforce Heroku based on several factors, including pricing, ease of use, performance, and scalability.


AWS offers a pay-as-you-go pricing model, which means you only pay for what you use. AWS also offers a free tier, which includes 12 months of free usage for certain services. On the other hand, Salesforce Heroku offers a range of pricing plans, including a free plan (which doesn't include a custom domain) and a paid plan that starts at $25 per month.

In terms of pricing, AWS is the winner for its pay-as-you-go model and free tier.

Ease of Use

AWS has a steeper learning curve due to its vast number of services and complex configurations. However, once you get familiar with AWS, it's easy to use. On the other hand, Salesforce Heroku is a more user-friendly option, with its simple and intuitive interface.

In terms of ease of use, Salesforce Heroku is the winner.


AWS is known for its fast and reliable performance, thanks to its extensive network infrastructure spread across the globe. Salesforce Heroku has a reputation for being slower because of its multi-tenant architecture. However, Salesforce Heroku has improved its performance by adding new features such as Private Spaces.

In terms of performance, AWS is the winner for its fast and reliable infrastructure.


AWS provides unlimited scalability options, thanks to its vast network of resources. AWS also offers horizontal scaling, which enables you to add more capacity by adding more servers. Salesforce Heroku, on the other hand, has limited scaling options based on its dyno-based architecture.

In terms of scalability, AWS is the clear winner.


Both AWS and Salesforce Heroku have their advantages and disadvantages. AWS is great for businesses that require fast performance and unlimited scalability, while Salesforce Heroku is ideal for those who need simplicity and ease of use.

Ultimately, the choice between AWS and Salesforce Heroku depends on your business needs. You must evaluate your requirements, budget, and project goals before making a decision.

We hope this article has helped you understand the differences between AWS and Salesforce Heroku. Happy app developing!


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